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 More Than a Scorer’s Table


By Rick Rogers

Boostr Tables are a great addition for your gymnasium sports like basketball, volley ball and wrestling.  You will raise more money than ever using this advertising machine; however, don’t over-look the product’s other advantages.

Boostr Tables are:

• A great coaching tool.  Video your games, and then run the teaching points and highlights during your practice sessions.  Saves time in going to a separate classroom for film study. Basketball coach have your players review the previous game’s successes and areas of improvement right there on the gym floor!

• The table is a great benefit for nonathletic events too.  Your principal and faculty will love the table when they use it in the library or cafeteria for special announcements. Scorer's table        want to promote high morale?  Use the table during faculty meetings to show videos of inspirational speakers, “Teacher of the Month” recognition or really any video announcement you can think of!

• Raise money, dress up your gym, improve faculty and staff morale with this exciting digital table!

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